Hi from Ithaca everybody. I just got finished reading Robert Graves' weird little volume Lars Porsena, or the Future of Swearing and Improper Language (1927) and for some reason felt like I had to copy out the advertisement in the back of the book for others in the same series. I really need to get somebody with a posh BBC accent to read the following aloud in its entirety:
To-Day and To-Morrow
Each, pott 8vo, boards, 2/6 net
This series of books, by some of the most distinguished English thinkers, scientists, philosophers, doctors, critics, and artits, was at once recognized as a noteworthy event. Written from various points of view, one book frequently opposing the argument of another, they provide the reader with a stimulating survey of the most modern thought in many departments of life. Several volumes are devoted to the future trend of Civilization, conceived as a whole; while others deal with particular provinces. It is interesting to see in these neat little volumes, issued at a low price, the revival of a form of literature, the Pamphlet, which has been in disuse for many years.
Published by
Daedalus, or Science and the Future. By J.B.S Haldane, Reader in Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
Callinicus, a Defence of Chemical Warfare. By J.B.S. Haldane.
Icarus, or the Future of Science. By Bertrand Russell, F.R.S.
What I Believe. By Bertrand Russell, F.R.S.
Tantalus, or the Future of Man. By F.C.S. Schiller, D.Sc., Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
Cassandra, or the Future of the British Empire. By F.C.S Schiller, D.Sc.
Quo Vadimus? Glimpses of the Future. By E.E. Fournier d’Albe, D.Sc., author of “Selenium, the Moon Element,” etc.
Thrasymachus, or the Future of Morals. By C.E.M. Joad, author of “The Babbitt Warren,” etc.
Lysistrata, or Woman’s Future and Future Woman. By Anthony M. Ludovici, author of “A Defence of Aristocracy,” etc.
Hypatia, or Woman and Knowledge. By Mrs Bertrand Russell. With a frontispiece.
Hephaestus, the Soul of the Machine. By E.E. Fournier d’Albe, D.Sc.
The Passing of the Phantoms: a Study of Evolutionary Psychology and Morals. By C.J. Patten, Professor of Anatomy, Sheffield University. With 4 Plates.
The Mongol in our Midst: a Study of Man and his Three Faces. By F.G. Crookshank, M.D., F.R.C.P. With 28 Plates.
The Conquest of Cancer. By H.W.S. Wright, M.S., F.R.C.S. Introduction by F.G. Crookshank, M.D.
Pygmalion, or the Doctor of the Future. By R. McNair Wilson, M.B.
Prometheus, or Biology and the Advancement of Man. By H.S. Jennings, Professor of Zoology, Johns Hopkins University.
Narcissus: an Anatomy of Clothes. By Gerald Heard. With 19 illustrations.
Thamyris, or Is There a Future for Poetry? By R.C. Trevelyan.
Proteus, or the Future of Intelligence. By Vernon Lee, author of “Satan the Waster,” etc.
Timotheus, the Future of the Theatre. By Bonamy Dobrée, author of “Restoration Drama,” etc.
Paris, or the Future of War. By Captain B.H. Liddell Hart.
Wireless Possibilities. By Professor A.M. Low. With 4 diagrams.
Perseus: of Dragons. By H.F. Scott Stokes. With 2 illustrations. [????]
Lycurgus, or the Future of Law. By E.S.P. Haynes, author of “Concerning Solicitors,” etc.
Euterpe, or the Future of Art. By Lionel R. McColvin, author of “The Theory of Book-Selection.”
Pegasus, or Problems of Transport. By Colonel J.F.C. Fuller, author of “The Reformation of War,” etc. With 8 Plates.
Atlantis, or America and the Future. By Colonel J.F.C. Fuller.
Midas, or the United States and the Future. By C.H. Bretherton, author of “The Real Ireland,” etc.
Nuntius, or Advertising and its Future. By Gilbert Russell.
Birth Control and the State: a Plea and a Forecast. By C.P. Blacker, M.C., M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
Ouroboros, or the Mechanical Extension of Mankind. By Garet Garrett. [I think this is my favorite]
Artifex, or the Future of Craftsmanship. By John Gloag, author of “Time, Taste, and Furniture.”
Plato’s American Republic. By J. Douglas Woodruff.
Orpheus, or the Music of the Future. By W.J. Turner, author of “Music and Life.”
Terpander, or Music and the Future. By E.J. Dent, author of “Mozart’s Operas.”
Sibylla, or the Revival of Prophecy. By C.A. Mace, University of St. Andrew’s.
Lucullus, or the Food of the Future. By Olga Hartley and Mrs C.F. Leyel, authors of “The Gentle Art of Cookery.”
Procrustes, or the Future of English Education. By M. Alderton Pink.
The Future of Futurism. By John Rodker.
Pomona, or the Future of English. By Basil de Sélincourt, author of “The English Secret,” etc.
Balbus, or the Future of Architecture. By Christian Barman, editor of “The Architect’s Journal.”
Apella, or the Future of the Jews. By A Quarterly Reviewer.
The Dance of Civa, or Life’s Unity and Rhythm. By Collum.
Lars Porsena, or the Future of Swearing and Improper Language. By Robert Graves.
Socrates, or the Emancipation of Mankind. By H.F. Carlill.
Delphos, or the Future of International Language. By E. Sylvia Pankhurst.
Gallio, or the Tyranny of Science. By J.W.N. Sullivan, author of “A History of Mathematics.”
Apollonius, or the Future of Psychical Research. By E.N. Bennett, author of “Problems of Village Life,” etc.
Janus, or the Conquest of War. By William McDougall, M.B., F.R.S., Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, author of”The Group Mind,” etc.
Rusticus, or the Future of the Countryside. By Martin S. Briggs, F.R.I.B.A., author of “A Short History of the Building Crafts,” etc.
Aeolus, or the Future of the Flying Machine. By Oliver Stewart, author of “Strategy and Tactics of Air Fighting.”
Stentor, or the Future of the Press. By David Ockham.
The Future of India. By T. Earle Welby.
Mercurius, or the World on Wings. By C. Thompson Walker.
The Future of Films. By Ernest Betts.
Vulcan, or Labour To-Day and To-Morrow. By Cecil Chisholm.
Each, pott 8vo, boards, 2/6 net
This series of books, by some of the most distinguished English thinkers, scientists, philosophers, doctors, critics, and artits, was at once recognized as a noteworthy event. Written from various points of view, one book frequently opposing the argument of another, they provide the reader with a stimulating survey of the most modern thought in many departments of life. Several volumes are devoted to the future trend of Civilization, conceived as a whole; while others deal with particular provinces. It is interesting to see in these neat little volumes, issued at a low price, the revival of a form of literature, the Pamphlet, which has been in disuse for many years.
Published by
Daedalus, or Science and the Future. By J.B.S Haldane, Reader in Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
Callinicus, a Defence of Chemical Warfare. By J.B.S. Haldane.
Icarus, or the Future of Science. By Bertrand Russell, F.R.S.
What I Believe. By Bertrand Russell, F.R.S.
Tantalus, or the Future of Man. By F.C.S. Schiller, D.Sc., Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
Cassandra, or the Future of the British Empire. By F.C.S Schiller, D.Sc.
Quo Vadimus? Glimpses of the Future. By E.E. Fournier d’Albe, D.Sc., author of “Selenium, the Moon Element,” etc.
Thrasymachus, or the Future of Morals. By C.E.M. Joad, author of “The Babbitt Warren,” etc.
Lysistrata, or Woman’s Future and Future Woman. By Anthony M. Ludovici, author of “A Defence of Aristocracy,” etc.
Hypatia, or Woman and Knowledge. By Mrs Bertrand Russell. With a frontispiece.
Hephaestus, the Soul of the Machine. By E.E. Fournier d’Albe, D.Sc.
The Passing of the Phantoms: a Study of Evolutionary Psychology and Morals. By C.J. Patten, Professor of Anatomy, Sheffield University. With 4 Plates.
The Mongol in our Midst: a Study of Man and his Three Faces. By F.G. Crookshank, M.D., F.R.C.P. With 28 Plates.
The Conquest of Cancer. By H.W.S. Wright, M.S., F.R.C.S. Introduction by F.G. Crookshank, M.D.
Pygmalion, or the Doctor of the Future. By R. McNair Wilson, M.B.
Prometheus, or Biology and the Advancement of Man. By H.S. Jennings, Professor of Zoology, Johns Hopkins University.
Narcissus: an Anatomy of Clothes. By Gerald Heard. With 19 illustrations.
Thamyris, or Is There a Future for Poetry? By R.C. Trevelyan.
Proteus, or the Future of Intelligence. By Vernon Lee, author of “Satan the Waster,” etc.
Timotheus, the Future of the Theatre. By Bonamy Dobrée, author of “Restoration Drama,” etc.
Paris, or the Future of War. By Captain B.H. Liddell Hart.
Wireless Possibilities. By Professor A.M. Low. With 4 diagrams.
Perseus: of Dragons. By H.F. Scott Stokes. With 2 illustrations. [????]
Lycurgus, or the Future of Law. By E.S.P. Haynes, author of “Concerning Solicitors,” etc.
Euterpe, or the Future of Art. By Lionel R. McColvin, author of “The Theory of Book-Selection.”
Pegasus, or Problems of Transport. By Colonel J.F.C. Fuller, author of “The Reformation of War,” etc. With 8 Plates.
Atlantis, or America and the Future. By Colonel J.F.C. Fuller.
Midas, or the United States and the Future. By C.H. Bretherton, author of “The Real Ireland,” etc.
Nuntius, or Advertising and its Future. By Gilbert Russell.
Birth Control and the State: a Plea and a Forecast. By C.P. Blacker, M.C., M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
Ouroboros, or the Mechanical Extension of Mankind. By Garet Garrett. [I think this is my favorite]
Artifex, or the Future of Craftsmanship. By John Gloag, author of “Time, Taste, and Furniture.”
Plato’s American Republic. By J. Douglas Woodruff.
Orpheus, or the Music of the Future. By W.J. Turner, author of “Music and Life.”
Terpander, or Music and the Future. By E.J. Dent, author of “Mozart’s Operas.”
Sibylla, or the Revival of Prophecy. By C.A. Mace, University of St. Andrew’s.
Lucullus, or the Food of the Future. By Olga Hartley and Mrs C.F. Leyel, authors of “The Gentle Art of Cookery.”
Procrustes, or the Future of English Education. By M. Alderton Pink.
The Future of Futurism. By John Rodker.
Pomona, or the Future of English. By Basil de Sélincourt, author of “The English Secret,” etc.
Balbus, or the Future of Architecture. By Christian Barman, editor of “The Architect’s Journal.”
Apella, or the Future of the Jews. By A Quarterly Reviewer.
The Dance of Civa, or Life’s Unity and Rhythm. By Collum.
Lars Porsena, or the Future of Swearing and Improper Language. By Robert Graves.
Socrates, or the Emancipation of Mankind. By H.F. Carlill.
Delphos, or the Future of International Language. By E. Sylvia Pankhurst.
Gallio, or the Tyranny of Science. By J.W.N. Sullivan, author of “A History of Mathematics.”
Apollonius, or the Future of Psychical Research. By E.N. Bennett, author of “Problems of Village Life,” etc.
Janus, or the Conquest of War. By William McDougall, M.B., F.R.S., Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, author of”The Group Mind,” etc.
Rusticus, or the Future of the Countryside. By Martin S. Briggs, F.R.I.B.A., author of “A Short History of the Building Crafts,” etc.
Aeolus, or the Future of the Flying Machine. By Oliver Stewart, author of “Strategy and Tactics of Air Fighting.”
Stentor, or the Future of the Press. By David Ockham.
The Future of India. By T. Earle Welby.
Mercurius, or the World on Wings. By C. Thompson Walker.
The Future of Films. By Ernest Betts.
Vulcan, or Labour To-Day and To-Morrow. By Cecil Chisholm.