Here it is:
- Critical Theory
- The Arcades Project
- The Public Sphere
- Différance
- Hegemony or Survival*
- The Flaneurs
- Cultural Capital
- Philosophical Investigations
- Gender Studies
- Gender Trouble +
- Public vs. Private
- Separate Spheres
- Discipline and Punish*
- The History of Sexuality @
- Masters of Arts
- The Postmodern Condition
- Anti-Oedipus
- Ph.D.
- Tenure Track @
- The Long Revolution*
- Culture and Society*
- Learned Behavior @
- The Duck/Rabbit Problem
- Schrödinger's Cat
- Pass/Fail
- The Rise of the Novel @
- Modernism/Modernity
- Archive Fever @
- The Politics of Friendship @
- The New Criticism
- Aesthetics
* (would have to be a punk or metal band)
+ (would have to be electroclash or glam rock)
@ (might be more of a song title)