1. 25th Hour (Spike Lee, 2002)
2. Children of Men (Alfonso Cuaron, 2006)
3. The Class (Entre les murs) (Laurent Cantet, 2009)
4. Dogville (Lars Von Trier, 2003)
5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
6. The Fog of War (Errol Morris, 2003)
7. Grizzly Man (Werner Herzog, 2005)
8. Happy-Go-Lucky (Mike Leigh, 2008)
9. Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino, 2009)
10. Inland Empire (David Lynch, 2006)
11. Kings and Queen (Rois et reine) (Arnaud Desplechin, 2004)
12. Lost in Translation (Sofia Coppola, 2003)
13. My Winnipeg (Guy Maddin, 2007)
14. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Coen Brothers, 2000)
15. The Piano Teacher (La Pianiste) (Michael Haneke, 2001)
16. Russian Ark (Russkiy kovcheg) (Alexander Sokurov, 2002)
17. Songs from the Second Floor (Sånger från andra våningen) (Roy Andersson, 2000)
18. Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi) (Hayao Miyazaki, 2001)
19. Talk to Her (Hable con ella) (Pedro Almodovar, 2002)
20. There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007)